This is likely because of an internet issue - please try the following steps:

  • Check that you are connected to a strong and stable internet provider

    • Please use wi-fi and not mobile data

    • Please try with a secure internet connection instead of a public one

  • Check to see if the game has given you any kind of error message, for example “Error 1”. If it has, please check this FAQ for the error code you saw and follow the instructions there

If these steps do not help, please contact our Support team directly either:

  • via the in-game Settings menu; please send a full description of the problem and include your Player ID by using the “Tap to copy Player ID” at the bottom of the game Settings menu

  • or via email to; please send a full description of the problem and include your Player ID by using the “Tap to copy Player ID” at the bottom of the game Settings menu