Steve was an ordinary guy working as an assistant to Doctor Lilly, saving change in his trusty piggy bank and dreaming of becoming a Super Manager. One day, while Lilly was away, Steve decided to test her teleportation device on his piggy bank. Zap! The machine went wild, and when the smoke cleared, his piggy bank had transformed into a walking, talking coin multiplier named Mr. Turner.

Mr. Turner quickly became an invaluable asset, making Steve’s dream come true as they amassed incredible wealth together. Now, Mr. Turner is a famous Super Manager, and Steve, with his impressive mustache, happily works as his assistant.


First introduced: 16.04.2018

Rarity: Rare
Placement: Mineshaft
Fragments available in: 
Mainland, Briefcases, Shop

  • Super effective:   
  • Partially effective:   
  • Not very effective:   


Fun fact: Mr. Turner is actually the Piggy's name! 


  • Active: Stores mined resources in a Piggy Bank. Unloads are then multiplied at the end of the effect.
  • Duration: 30s Cooldown: 15min
  • Passive level 10: ++ Mining & Walking Speed Boost
  • Passive level 30: ++ Mine Income Factor

Active effect explained: While active, all resources delivered by the workers in Mr. Turner's Mineshaft are stored in the Piggy Bank. At the end of the effect, those resources are multiplied and sent directly to your total cash.