Why did Freesia, the Fairy Godmother of the Miners, trade her wand for a pickaxe? Well, after years of guiding travelers through treacherous forests with her glowing lantern, she decided it was time to dig deeper into life's mysteries—literally! She fluttered into the mining world and brought a sparkle to the underground like never before.

One day, while she was teaching her fairy companion how to extract resources with a flick of her lantern, she met Violet Evergreen, a nature-loving girl with hair as long as a miner's tale.

They soon realized they had a lot to learn from each other. Freesia, with her glowing lantern, and Violet, with her nature vibes, now ensure that the mines yield treasures while keeping the forests lush and green.

And remember, if you see a little fairy zipping around the mines, it’s probably just her checking on your mining progress—because in this business, every gem counts!

First introduction: 09.08.2024

Rarity: Epic
Placement: Mineshaft
Special Events, Briefcases

  • Super effective:  Light ,  Frost  , Wind

  • Partially effective: Nature , Flame ,  Water

  • Not very effective: Dark ,  Sand


With her magic oil lamp that never burns out, your miners will never get lost!



  • Active: An extra worker mines faster and multiplies your resources, instantly beaming them to the Elevator building.
  • Duration: 2min Cooldown: 15min
  • Passive level 10: -- Mineshaft Unlock Cost 
  • Passive level 30: -- Barrier Unlock Cost
  • Passive level 50: -- Mineshaft Upgrade Cost

Active Effect explained: An extra worker (which looks like a little wisp) will extract resources from Freesia's assigned mineshaft, multiply those resources, then instantly beam them to the Elevator.