For decades, scientists studying the Frontier Mine hypothesized about the existence of a central intelligence driving the Ut'ux mining efficiency, but lacked empirical evidence. That was until the discovery of Om'nix - the Mother of the Hive.

Legends among the few who have survived encounters with her, speak of her unparalleled strength and mysterious aura. It is said that her presence alone can alter the environment, making it more hospitable for her hive.

Explorers who have encountered her describe her as both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Despite numerous studies, scientists are still in the dark about the intricate hive she commands, leaving many questions about her true nature and origins unanswered.

First introduced: 29.08.2024

Rarity: Legendary
Placement: Mineshaft
Fragments available in: Events, Shop

  • Super effective in:     
  • Partially effective in:  
  • Not very effective in:   


Scientists long suspected a central female intelligence behind Ut'ux's mining efficiency in the Frontier Mines, but had no proof until Om'nix was discovered.


Abilities / Effects:

  • Active Effect: Increase the mining speed of all mineshafts ++
  • Active effect explained:  Once activated, Om'nix will increase the mining speed of ALL mineshaft workers in the mine. If you open a new mineshaft while the effect is active, the new mineshaft will also be affected.
  • Duration: 2min Cooldown: 30min
  • Passive Effects:
  • Level 10: - - Mineshaft Upgrade Cost
  • Level 30: - - Mineshaft Unlock Cost
  • Level 50: ++ Continent Income