In the heart of a sprawling steampunk city, where gears turn and steam hisses through the streets, Professor Phineas Cogsmith’s workshop is a marvel of innovation. Born with an insatiable curiosity, Phineas spent his early years tinkering with scraps, dreaming up inventions that could change the world. His talent and determination led him to the prestigious Manager Academy, where he honed his skills and expanded his vision of a better world.

One fateful day, while exploring the bustling streets, Phineas came across a young boy named Ray Rift with a spark in his eye and a knack for machines. Seeing potential in Ray, Phineas took him under his wing, teaching him everything he knew about steam-powered technology and mechanical engineering. As he grew, his interests diverged into cyberpunk-inspired contraptions—sleeker, more advanced, yet rooted in the same principles Phineas had taught him.

Despite their different paths, the bond between mentor and protégé remained strong. Together, they crafted innovations that blended steampunk tradition with cyberpunk futurism. Eventually, Ray set off on his own, traveling to new frontiers to gather knowledge that could help build a more sustainable mining industry and protect Idle Earth.

Back in his workshop, surrounded by the ticking of clocks and the whir of gears, Professor Phineas Cogsmith continues his relentless pursuit of progress. His inventions, driven by a deep commitment to the planet’s well-being, inspire awe and wonder, proving that true genius knows no limits.

First introduced: 13.09.2024

Rarity: Epic
Placement: Mineshaft
Fragments available in: Events

  • Super effective in:  ,  ,   
  • Partially effective in:  ,  ,   
  • Not very effective in:  ,   


His research will ensure that your profits rise like steam.


Abilities / Effects:

  • Active Effect: When the Elevator takes resources from the mineshaft, the crate is refilled by ++ of what the Elevator took from it.
  • Active effect explained: The Elevator goes to Phineas Cogsmith's mineshaft and picks up the resources from his crate. The crate is then refilled by a multiplied amount depending on Phineas' level.
  • Duration: 1min Cooldown: 25min
  • Passive Effects:
  • Level 10: - - Mineshaft Unlock Cost
  • Level 30: ++ Mining Speed Boost
  • Level 50: ++ Idle Cash