Bam Bam's story began in a quiet village nestled deep in the misty mountains, where life moved in harmony with nature. Discovered by Violet, a kind and delicate traveler known for her deep connection to nature, who visited the village on her travels. She was immediately drawn to Bam Bam, sensing something unique about him. Bam Bam, too, felt a connection, fascinated by Violet’s mastery over the land and her deep respect for nature.

Curious and eager to learn, Bam Bam spent time with Violet, absorbing her teachings. But as Bam Bam practiced, he began to develop his own approach. Drawing inspiration from the ancient stories of his ancestors—tales of pandas being protectors of the natural world—he refined Violet’s techniques with his own twist.

Bam Bam's method revolved around the bamboo that grew effortlessly under his care—each shoot reaching further, symbolizing the potential beneath the surface. This bamboo didn’t just grow; it thrived, multiplying with every opportunity. His village believed that the earth recognized Bam Bam's gentle touch and rewarded him for his patience and care.

As he journeyed from village to village, the fields would bloom, and the rewards of the earth multiplied, leaving whispers of his influence wherever he traveled. The true extent of Bam Bam's connection to the land is still unknown, but one thing is certain—wherever bamboo rises, so does the promise of prosperity.

First introduced: 04.10.2024

Rarity: Epic
Placement: Elevator
Fragments available in: Events, Fragment Briefcases, Shop

  • Super effective in:    
  • Partially effective in:  ,    
  • Not very effective in:   


A de-panda-ble Super Manager who utilizes his bamboo reserves to maximize your gains.


Abilities / Effects:

  • Active Effect: Gain ++ your Elevator Transportation every ++ seconds. The amount increases by % for every Mineshaft (max ++). Bamboo spawns according to the number of mineshafts unlocked.
  • Active effect explained: When active, the resources gained from the Elevator Transportation is multiplied every few seconds. Unlocking more Mineshafts will give you an additional bonus. The bamboo behind Bam Bam helps you see if you are close to reaching the maximum amount of unlocked Mineshafts. (max 30)
  • Duration: 10m Cooldown: 30m
  • Passive Effects:
  • Level 10: ++ Loading & Movement Speed Boost
  • Level 30: - - Elevator Upgrade Cost
  • Level 50: ++ Idle Cash