Since birth, H4V0C has always had an affinity with technology, always trying to take apart and rebuild the clocks at home or playing around with the tools in their mother’s garage. Growing up, they were sent to a prestigious school that helped continue their development in the field of technology.


They had a knack for creating gadgets and their genius was recognized by none other than Ray Rift. Ray saw a version of himself in the smart teenager, and just like his own mentor Professor Cogsmith, he wanted to help teach the young one how to build a fruitful career with their amazing skills.


Taking them under his wing, Ray showed H4V0C just how profitable they can make mine extraction. Now, H4V0C is performing at their best, showing Idle Earth just how magnificent and successful their tech is!


First introduced: 07.02.2025

Rarity: Epic
Placement: Mineshaft
Fragments available in: Events, Fragment Briefcases, Shop

  • Super effective in: 
  • Partially effective in: 
  • Not very effective in: 


H4V0C will make sure your mine is running on top notch tech!


Abilities / Effects:

  • Active Effect: Every ++ times a worker deposits resources in the crate, those resources are multiplied by ++ and beamed to the Warehouse.
  • Active effect explained: Each time a worker deposits resources into the crate, the crate counter increases by 1. When the counter reaches 4 out of 4, H4V0C intercepts the fourth worker's deposit, multiplies it, and sends it directly to the warehouse instead of the crate.
  • Duration: 3 minutes Cooldown: 30 minutes
  • Passive Effects:
  • Level 10:   - - Mineshaft Unlock Cost
  • Level 30:  ++ Mining Speed Boost
  • Level 50:  ++ Idle Cash